Celebrating Mother's Day
Even after we’re all grown up, our mothers still play a huge role in our lives. They influence us like no one else, giving us wise advice to help us through the various obstacles we encounter. We all grew up on the wisdom and advice of our moms. Some of this advice remains with us forever and keeps guiding us. Some of our mom’s showed us how to be compassionate, non-judgmental, loving and sympathetic. This Mother’s Day, if your Mom is still with you, you might want to draw upon her wisdom; asking questions only a Mom can answer. Try some of these - What made you read to us when we were inside you? What made you sing to us, when you wouldn’t sing for anyone else? How did you know things would always get better? How did you know when to let us make mistakes, or when it was time to extend a firm hand?
The universe is full of lots of mysteries and one of the greatest mysteries is Mom’s. When is that magical moment that transforms a woman into a mother? The moment when she no longer lives for herself but for her children? It must be a moment like no other, for it’s in that moment she takes on qualities like ‘unconditional love’, selflessness’, ‘unshakable determination’, and ‘courage’.
In God’s Word, a mother's love reflects similar characteristics to God’s love – qualities like patience, care, wisdom and nurturing. Proverbs 31 lifts up mothers with these words: ‘She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come" (25); ‘She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue’ (26); ‘Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her’ (28–29).
Today, take the opportunity to tell your mother that you love her to the moon and back! (borrowed from a favorite children’s story). And, take the opportunity to tell the mother of your children that you are grateful to her! And, take the opportunity to tell the mother of your grandchildren that she is incredible! All of us have a mom in our life to be thankful for.
We know Mother’s Day can be hard for some. Some desire to be mom’s but are not yet. Some are distant from their children and despair that. Some of our mom’s had their own struggles and were not able to provide the love, security and attachment we so desperately needed. Our prayer is that whatever pain you might feel this Mother’s Day, you can turn to your loving Heavenly Father and ask Him to fill the void you feel with ‘His unconditional love.’
All of us at Dove Investments wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all of the amazing women out there who chose not only to give us life, but who continue to shape and enrich our lives every day!
and the Dove Investments Team