Going Deeper With God - Humility
As Christmas approaches and the New Year soon follows, we bring you the final edition of our Dove Investments 2024 theme: Going Deeper with God. One of my favorite Christmas images is of Jesus lying in the manger – the King of Kings, the Eternal One, the Savior – in the most humble of states: a helpless baby.
Humility is a virtue we deeply need today. It begins as a gift from God but grows stronger as we choose to make it a daily habit. What are some of the marks of humility? Here are a few examples. Humility involves a realistic view of oneself. When we see ourselves for who we are, sinners needing a savior, we make humility a way of life. We do not see our intelligence, wealth, or beauty in that moment. What we see is our humanity. We no longer boast about our talents or possessions. We no longer work hard to be seen for our good works. We no longer gloat about our victories or feel shame in our failures. In humility, we strive to be known for our virtues, not our accomplishments. We are content in and rejoice in the success of others. We give thanks to God for everything – even our weaknesses and imperfections. Just imagine how our relationships might flourish if we lived this way!
If you need any more motivation remember these words of Paul about Jesus – ‘Who, being in very nature God … he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant … he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death – even death on a cross!’ – Philippians 2:6-8.
Like Jesus, when we choose humility, we develop a realistic self-perception, healthier relationships, and stronger communities. Make humility a daily habit in the New Year!
This issue of American Lifestyle is full of ideas to help for the holiday season, including a list of must-have items for hosting get-togethers, wintry destinations perfect for skiers, post-holiday organization tips, and much more.
Is there any way we at Dove Investments can help you move from thinking ahead to planning ahead for your financial future? If so, please give us a call.
Click Here to view American Lifestyle Magazine - December 2024 edition.