Happy Mother's Day
This Mother’s Day, we want to take the time to appreciate and thank the ones who have helped make us who we are. Moms are so many things – a great friend, a guiding light, a teacher, a wise counselor, a healer, a comforter, a caregiver, and more. One thing’s for sure – no one can take Moms place!
God’s Word lifts up mothers for the significant place they have in our lives and the value they represent. ‘Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.’ - Exodus 20:12. Jesus, while dying on the cross, saw his mother in the crowd and his thoughts were for her well-being. He said these words to her and to John – ‘Woman, here is your son, and to the disciple, here is your mother. From that time on, this disciple, John, took Mary into his home.’ – John 19:26-27
This Mother’s Day … Celebrate the moms you know in any way you can. Let them know that you appreciate the wonderful and invaluable roles that they play. Let them know how much their love and wisdom mean to you. Thank them for everything they have done and everything they continue to do.
Here are some ways to celebrate:
- Spoken words - remind the mothers you know and love how much they mean to you.
- Plan something special for your own mother, or a mother-figure in your life – flowers, a special card, brunch out, or a family picnic.
- If your mom has passed, keep her close by remembering and sharing a story about her with your children or grandchildren. Each generation needs to hear about the moms they never knew.
Today, take the opportunity to tell your mother that you love her to the moon and back! (borrowed from a favorite children’s story). Take the opportunity to tell the mother of your children that you are grateful to her! Take the opportunity to tell the mother of your grandchildren that she is incredible! All of us have a mom in our life to be thankful for.
We know Mother’s Day can be hard for some. Some desire to be mom’s but are not yet. Some are distant from their children and despair that. Some of our mom’s had their own struggles and were not able to provide the love, security and attachment we so desperately needed. Our prayer is that whatever pain you might feel this Mother’s Day, you can turn to your loving Heavenly Father and ask Him to fill the void you feel with ‘His unconditional love.’
All of us at Dove Investments wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing women out there who chose not only to give us life, but who continue to shape and enrich our lives every day!