A Joyful Christmas
One of the most cherished images of Christmas is Jesus lying in the manger – the King of Kings, the Eternal One, the Savior – in the humblest of states: a newborn baby.
Humility is a virtue our world deeply needs today. It begins as a gift from God but grows stronger as we intentionally cultivate it each day. What are some of the marks of humility? Consider these examples:
A realistic view of oneself. When we see ourselves as we truly are – sinners in need of a Savior – humility becomes a way of life. In those moments, we’re not defined by our intelligence, wealth, or beauty. Instead, we recognize our shared humanity.
Freedom from boasting. Humility frees us from the need to boast about our talents or possessions. We no longer strive to be noticed for our good works, gloat in our victories, or feel shame in our failures.
Virtue over accomplishment. In humility, we strive to be known for our character rather than our achievements.
Joy in others’ success. A humble heart finds contentment in celebrating the victories of others.
- Gratitude in all things. Humility inspires us to thank God for everything – even our weaknesses and imperfections.
Just imagine how our relationships and communities could flourish if we lived this way!
If you need any more motivation remember these words of Paul about Jesus – ‘Who, being in very nature God … he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant … he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death – even death on a cross!’ – Philippians 2:6-8.
Like Jesus, when we choose humility, we develop a realistic self-perception, healthier relationships, and stronger communities. Make humility a daily habit as you celebrate Christmas.
This issue of American Lifestyle Digital serves as your festive compass, guiding you through the season ahead. Breathe new life into how you spend the month with whimsical gift-exchange ideas, an inventive way to help minimize food waste, dessert recipes that will tantalize your guests' taste buds, and tips for navigating holiday sales.
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All of us at Dove Investments wish you and your loved ones a Joyful Christmas!