Easter Week 2004
Holy Week and Easter is the most significant celebration of the year for followers of Christ. As we continue our theme for 2024 – ‘Going Deeper’ – we recognize the importance of personalizing how the events of ‘Holy Week’ give us a peek into the heart of our Savior. His love for us is reflected in every significant step toward the cross.
Holy Week begins with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem – Palm Sunday. Some greeted him as the Savior and King, while others saw him as blasphemer and troublemaker. Next, came the purification of the temple; symbolizing our own need to be cleansed. Then, Jesus gave us a practice to remember his sacrifice in the Last Supper. Then came Good Friday and Jesus’ Crucifixion – an awful, gruesome day for Jesus but a good day for us as Jesus secured the New Covenant. Then, after days of fear and anxiety amongst his followers, the glory of Christ’s resurrection.
With each day of Easter Week, we encourage you to ‘Go Deeper’ as you reflect on all the things that Christ has done for you – offering salvation, providing forgiveness, portraying a way to remember him, warning us of the power of temptation and betrayal, and securing our own resurrection. These reflections merely scratch the surface; add yours to the list.
Each step of Christ's journey toward the cross bears intentional significance, brimming with the defeat of death and the promise of salvation for all. Embrace this Easter Week as an opportunity to express gratitude for His sacrifice.
The Dove Investments Team